Minimum Qualifications Required for Appointment:
This title is part of the New York Hiring for Emergency Limited Placement Statewide Program (NY HELPS)* and applicants must meet the following minimum qualifications to be considered for this position:
Required service: Two years of active military duty in the Armed Forces of the United States and an honorable discharge or under conditions in the NYS Restoration of Honor Act.
Required experience: Three years of experience in employment counseling, military career counseling, military recruiting, guidance counseling, employment interviewing, personnel administration, teaching, labor relations; OR as a Veterans’ Organization Service Officer; OR in a governmental position responsible for: the explanation of benefit program and entitlement criteria to veterans and/or their families; the analysis of claims for veteran benefits; the preparation of rating decisions; and/or the direction and conduct of post-decisional hearings and processes appeals for veterans and/or their families.
Substitution: College credits may be substituted for up to two years for the required experience at the rate of 30 semester credit hours equaling one year of experience.
*All candidates MUST submit a copy of their DD-214 when applying to be considered for this position.
Applicants may also be appointed to this position if currently reachable on the appropriate eligible list for this title OR are a current New York State employee with one year or more of qualifying permanent service in a position allocated to a Grade 16 or above and eligible for transfer under Section 70.1 of the Civil Service Law.
Duties: Duties include but are not limited to:
•Provide direct oversight and management for Blind Annuity, Gold Star Parent Annuity & Supplemental Burial Programs.
•Assist, advise and advocate for Veterans’, members of the armed services and their families and survivors regarding federal and state Veterans’ benefits.
•Assist in the preparation and processing of claims.
•Maintain liaison with public and private agencies which provide benefits for Veterans’.
•Disseminate information to Veterans’ organizations and throughout the local community.
•Initiate and participate in outreach activities.
•Manage a local Department of Veterans’ Services Office
•Utilize your “outlook” calendar for all daily activities and appointments. All client appointments and work-related activity should be accounted for on the “outlook” calendar. Access shall be given to your direct supervisor.
•All the Department’s clients will be entered into the electronic Case Management system. Any activity related to a client shall be promptly entered into this system.
•Accreditation by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, through the NYS Department of Veterans’ Services, as an “Agent” pursuant to Section 38 CFR 14.629 is necessary for continued employment.
Operational Needs:
•Travel is required (approximately 30%), including evening and weekends, depending on mission and assignment.
•Possession and maintenance of a valid Driver’s License issued by the NYS Department of Motor Vehicle is required, or otherwise demonstrate the capacity to meet the transportation needs of the job.